Course information 2022-2023


On this page you will find practical information about the Digital Curriculum course that ran from April 2022 to May 2023. 

For participants

Participants following this course are added to an online platform at the start of the project course. Here they will be able to find further practical details, preparatory work, materials, information on how to contact project team and support etc. The online platform will be the primary source of internal communication in the project and will be updated regularly.

Project Timeline

Below, you will find an ouline of the project course and descriptions of all activities. Hopefully this gives you an idea about what the project course entails. 

April 2022: Online introductory course

Time: April 19th-May 24th 2022
Place: Online on project platform

The purpose of the online introductory course is to introduce participants to the project purpose, content and workload. The online introductory course will give participants the opportunity to begin reflecting on the relevance of different digital topics and methods within their own discipline or subject prior to the Inspirational Seminar which is the first joint meeting in the project. 

As part of the online introductory course participants will be asked to reflect and discuss together with colleagues on the local benefits and goals of their participation in the project. They will be asked to share their initial thoughts with the project team in to order for project team members to get to know the participants and better tailor the further course activities to their needs and wishes.

May 24, 2022: Inspirational Seminar

Time: May 24th at 10.00-20.00
Place: Aarhus (TBA)

For all project participants and collegues 

The Inspirational Seminar is the first joint meeting of the total group of participants and in that sense, it marks the start of the Digital Curriculum course 2022/2023. 

The seminar gives project participants and the project team the opportunity to meet and discuss both the project as a whole and the intentions and plans for each group of participants. During the seminar, participants will be introduced to different aspects of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences, and they will be asked to begin reflecting on how their teaching can be developed to further address digital competencies that are relevant to the specific field or discipline. They will have rich opportunities to discuss with peers and experts, and through workshops they will be equipped with inspiration to go on with their own competency development as well as ideas to include in their teaching.

Through three workshops on different themes within Digital Humanities and Social Sciences participants will get:

  • An introduction to the field and how it relates to the humanities and social sciences
  • Ideas on how to integrate digital competencies into teaching
  • Case examples
  • Instructions on how to get started including examples of tools 

The inspirational workshops require no prior knowledge or experience, but should prepare participants to inquire into one or more themes as the projects goes on.

May-August 2022: Local meetings

In continuation of the Inspirational Seminar, each of the participating local departments should gather for a local meeting at their own institution. At least two active participants and one representative from the department management should attend the meeting – but preferably a larger academic group and ideally the entire department.

At the local meeting the following things should be discussed: 

  • What are the digital conditions of our discipline and what are we already doing? 
  • Where is our discipline moving regarding digitalisation and how should we address this in our education, curriculum and teaching? (long term goals) 
  • What is the specific purpose of participating in this project and what initiatives will we take in our local department as part of our participation in the project i.e. seek new knowledge, acquire new skills and tools, begin a curriculum revision, plan joint workshops (short term goals).
  • What course(s) and which participant(s) is suited to do a pilot project in teaching as a part of the Digital Curriculum project in the Spring semester 2023?

Participants are asked to share the outcome of the meeting with their contact person in the project team, so that the team is able to provide the help and advice needed to support the local initiatives agreed upon. 

Participants doing a pilot project will be asked to further take part in the Workshop on Educational Design and to engage in the planning and carrying out of their pilot project in the Spring of 2023.

September 29, 2022: Workshop on Educational Design

Time: September 29th at 10.00-17.00
Place: Aarhus (TBA)

The purpose of the Workshop on Educational Design is that participants doing a pilot project reflect on and discuss with peers the learning goals, activities and relevant resources for their pilot projects in teaching. This will also be an opportunity to consider more closely what kind of support input is needed in order to carry out the pilot project.  

Through a workshop session, the participants will develop their ideas into concrete teaching plans, ideally ready for use. Peer discussions will be based on academic fields so that the participants may receive valuable input from peers within similar fields to their own. Both field experts, technical and pedagogical support will be available for guidance throughout the day

September 2022-January 2023: Competency development

The competency development of the project will be individually tailored and dependent on the initiative of the participants themselves. Project team members will be continuously available for guidance so that participants get the help most relevant for their individual learning goals.

Participants are encouraged to reach out for the help and/or resources they need in order to carry out

  • Local initiatives agreed upon at the local meeting
  • Pilot projects in teaching

Pedagogical support is available for:

  • feedback and guidance on ideas, formats, content etc. for local initiatives and specifically for feedback and guidance on teaching plans in pilot projects.

Technical support is available for:

  • Technology consultancy for some course-specific task
  • Extraction of some content from a database
  • Student access to applications during a course
  • Consultancy on data formats (data and metadata) for re-use
  • Co-develop or teach a module that introduces a technology
  • Mediate communication with IT organization and infrastructures

January-May 2023: Pilot projects in teaching

During the spring semester 2023, the participants in question will carry out their planned pilot projects incorporating digital topics and/or methods in their teaching (minimum 1-2 lessons). The knowledge and experience gathered in the process will be valuable input to the project and hopefully to the departments going on with the further work of creating a digital curriculum. 

The support team will be available for ongoing sparring and practical support on the actual lessons by agreement, possibly in the form of student workers who occupy a help desk. 

Gathering of teaching case descriptions

For each pilot project, the participants will be asked to hand in a teaching case description to be shared with others. The case description will detail things such as the motivations and learning objectives, use of technology, course activities and outcome, as well as any challenges and advice from this experience to be shared with others. 

June 2023: Closing seminar and project evaluation

Time: June 1st 2023 at 10.00-12.00
Zoom link:

The project concludes with a joint closing seminar which takes place in the form of a conference supporting national knowledge sharing. At the closing seminar participants’ experiences with implementing digital topics and methods into their teaching will be presented and discussed with an overall focus on knowledge sharing and mutual inspiration for the continuation of local initiatives at the respective faculties. 

Leading up to the closing seminar, project participants will be asked to take part in the evaluation of the project. The evaluation intends to gather knowledge on how to work with developing teaching and curriculum to prepare students’ digital competencies in the future.  


Dorte Sidelmann Rossen

Special Consultant Centre for Educational Development - CED - Programme Development

Mads Rosendahl Thomsen

Professor School of Communication and Culture - Comparative Literature