How are digital advances shaping our present and future? What subject-specific skills and competencies are essential for navigating this constantly evolving space? And how can we cultivate these crucial competencies at the university?  

Join us for the Digital Curriculum Closing Conference, where we will delve into these pressing questions and share findings from the cross-institutional project, Digital competence development in the digital age from the perspective of the curriculum that has been running from 2020-2024.  

The conference revolves around four key perspectives: 

  • Digitalisation of Society: How is digitalisation shaping our day to day lives? What is the impact on graduates from the Humanities and the Social Sciences? 

  • Research Integration in Education: How has digitalisation initiated new research questions and research methods, and how does student participation in research projects contribute to scientific as well as job-oriented digital competencies? 

  • Educational Development: How are digital competencies embedded into the educational curriculum and how do they impact teaching practices. 

  • Support and Competency Development: What does digitalisation require in terms of support and competency development for teaching staff? How can it be organized? 

Join us for an exploration of digital competence and its implications for the future. 

Register now!


9.45-10.15 Registration, Coffee, and Croissants 
10.15-10.25 Welcome 
Vice-Dean Niels Lehmann, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University

Perspectives on Digitalisation in Danish Higher Education
Mikkel Leihardt, Director General for the Danish Agencyfor Higher Education and Science

10.45-11.10 Educating towards digital citizenship: Unpacking the societal and civic dimensions of digitalisation
Prof. Peter Lauritsen, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies 
11.15-11.40 Lessons from the Past on Urban Resilience: How a combination of humanities research skills and computational toolkits offers a pathway forward to address some of the biggest challenges of our time 
Senior Researcher Izabela Romanowska, Center for Humanities Computing (CHC)
11.55-12.20 From Concept to Cloud: Pionering digital solutions for research-based teaching in the Humanities and the Social Sciences
Prof. Kristoffer Nielbo, Center for Humanities Computing (CHC)
12.25-12.40 Shaping the digital curriculum in a time of generative AI
Tina Bering Keiding, Head of Curriculum Development, Centre for Educational Development &
Niels Lehmann, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University
12.40-13.40  Lunch
13.45-16.00 Parallel Sessions (see Track information below)
16.00-17.30  Closing Reception & Networking
with Refreshments and Snacks

When: 03 October 2024

Where: AULAEN, Building 1412, Nordre Ringgade 4, 8000 Aarhus & Vandrehallen and Aarhus University Conference Centre

Any Questions?

Contact: Dorte Sidelmann Rossen (

Afternoon Tracks

Track 1: Research Integration in Education

Moderator: Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Director of Center for Language Generation and AI (CLAI)

Digitalisation creates new research objectives, questions, and methods. If education is to remain up-to-date, a decision must be made on the extent to which digitisation of research should be integrated into the educational programs. The session provides examples of how digitalisation of research has influenced and challenged the existing research integration in education. Furthermore, it is discussed how digitalisation of research contributes to essential labour market competencies.

Track 2: Curriculum development

Moderator: Tina Bering Keiding, Head of Curriculum Development, Center for Educational Development

New research methods and questions, alongside emerging stakeholder expectations, demand a rethinking and adaption of the curriculum in educational programs. This applies both to the digital competencies students should acquire and how digital elements are embedded into the curriculum to enable students to build the desired competencies. The session provides models and examples of how educational programs have worked on their curriculum to cultivate a new digital profile.

Track 3: Subject specific digital methods in teaching

Moderator: Dorte Sidelmann Rossen, Special Consultant, Centre for Educational Development

The shift from utilising digital methods and tools in research to integrating and conveying them in teaching can pose significant challenges. This pertains to the structuring of teaching and the subsequent learning process for students, as well as the practical implementation of teaching. The session provides examples of different didactic approaches that educators have used in their own teaching and the opportunities and challenges they have experienced.

Track 4: Technical support and Competency Development

Moderator: Kristoffer Nielbo, Director of Center for Humanities Computing (CHC)

Embedding digital competencies in educational programs places new demands on technical infrastructure, support, and competency development amongst educators. The variety of the technological landscape and associated legal issues call for ongoing reflection, exchange of experiences, and cross-institutional collaboration. The session provides examples of how technical support and technological infrastructures have been developed and organized in the project.