About the project

Purpose and background 

The purpose of the Digital Curriculum project is to equip the teaching staff of Danish social sciences and humanities programs with the right competencies to educate students with sufficient and up-to-date digital skills that can match the demands and expectations of both employers and society.

Project aims

The aim of the project is to integrate digital competencies in teaching and curriculum and thus support the education of digitally competent and aware candidates. Participants from across Danish higher education institutions examine and discuss new conditions and opportunities due to digitisation within the academic disciplines. This forms the basis of experimenting and developing new teaching practices.

Groups of teaching staff from different local academic departments participate in the project in order to share and upgrade their digital knowledge and skills. In that way, they are able to pass on academically relevant digital skills and competencies to their students and thereby enabling them to meet the expectations of their future employers.

Discuss the future of your discipline 

Start discussions within the academic environments: Where is our discipline and teaching headed towards regarding digitalisation?  

Upgrade digital skills 

Upgrading the digital skills of entire teaching staffs across the faculties of social sciences and humanities in Denmark.

Try out new approaches in teaching 

Encourage and support experiments on how to teach digital elements in specific courses - both technically and pedagogically.

Qualify a Digital Curriculum 

To qualify the development of a Digital Curriculum by sharing experiences on how to implement digital elements in teaching and education.

Project partners 

The Digital Curriculum is a national educational project supported by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The project runs from 2020-2024. The project is organised by Aarhus University and the national distributed research infrastructure DigHumLab

Nine faculties from five Danish universities take part in the project:

  • Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University 

  • Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University 

  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), Aalborg University 

  • Copenhagen Business School 

  • Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen 

  • Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen 

  • Faculty of Humanities, University of Southern Denmark 

  • Faculty of Business and Social Science, University of Southern Denmark